MTJ Gift Guide: Diamond Fun at Steven Singer
Sponsored by Steven Singer
Every season is jewelry gift-giving season. When in doubt, go small, sparkly, and sentimental. Find holiday and milestone gift-giving ideas with our MTJ gift guides. And go ahead, treat yourself once in a while just because.
Photo credit: @stevensingerjewelers
Diamonds 4EVR
Diamonds are still your best friends (according to our gemstone showdown on Instagram). We want to give you more of what you want, and so does Steven Singer, Philadelphia's most hated jeweler. While the running joke is that husbands hate Steven because their other halves love him and his diamonds, we love his jeweler heritage. He first opened shop in 1980 on Philly's Jewelers Row as the youngest first-generation jeweler in the country's oldest jewelry district. Since then, he's focused on diamond jewelry, become a radio personality, and is why some local couples have gotten engaged in bubbles.
It's gift shopping crunch time, and you can't go wrong with diamonds. They're classic, versatile, and have heirloom quality galore. Steven Singer's gift guide is overflowing with them, and we've narrowed it down to ten dazzling reasons to love/hate Steven Singer—but there's way more where these diamonds came from and shipping is fast and free.
Pour a glass, turn up the holiday tunes, and enjoy the shopping experience at Steven Singer, where his team boasts, "The most fun you'll ever have buying jewelry."

Curator: Samantha Durbin
Sponsored by Steven Singer
Every item featured is personally selected by our writers and editors (read: we're totally into it). Please know that when you buy through our links, we may earn an affiliate commission (read: we get to keep doing what we love).