La Luna Bella
Photo credit: @jamesmichelle
Crescent moons are waxing
It was the 1987 rom-com Moonstruck that did me in. Watching a dreamy-eyed Nick Cage beseech Cher to give in to her desires (“Get in my bed!”) as they lingered beneath a Harvest Moon made my teenage self swoon. Since then, I’ve been starry-eyed for the celestial body that symbolizes feminine energy, spirituality, and wisdom.
Jewelry makers have been taken with the moon since the Victorian and Art Nouveau eras when they were influenced by mythology—particularly the Roman goddess Diana who was often depicted with a crescent moon on her head. During this time, the moon also represented honeymoons, and many brides wore crescent-shaped brooches to bring them happy marriages.
According to astrologers, the moon’s cycle around Earth mirrors the rhythm of life and the most spiritual among us can embody her creativity, intuition, and capacity for change. A full moon represents the fulfillment of desires. A waxing crescent signifies intention; a waning one, surrender. So much uncertainty in our world right now might explain why designers have entered a crescent phase, embracing the unknown but looking forward to more clarity.

Editor: Samantha Durbin
Curator/Wordsmith: Maryann LoRusso
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