Get Lost in Words at Zoë Chicco
Photo credit: @zoechiccojewelry
Spelling it out in gold and diamonds
Writing is my thing. I'm a sucker for puns (the cheesier the better). And Words With Friends is my bestie. I also happen to L-O-V-E jewelry. Is it any wonder, then, that I was immediately drawn to Zoë Chicco's Itty Bitty Words & Letters pieces? You could say they speak my language (see aforementioned pun reference). As a longtime fan of the LA-based brand and cool girl staple, I jumped at the chance to get lost in the online shop, to ogle oodles of minimalist, gold-centric, never-take-em-off necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings.
Too bad I don't have enough piercings—or body parts—to accommodate all the brilliant words. Nevertheless, here's what I found.

Editor: Samantha Durbin
Wordsmith/Curator: Gail Goldberg
Every item featured is personally selected by our writers and editors (read: we're totally into it). Please know that when you buy through our links, we may earn an affiliate commission (read: we get to keep doing what we love).