Tell us a few of the celebrities that you've been able to design for.
I did many pieces of jewelry for Elvis Presley in the '70s. I did the piano ring for Liberace in 1974. I did all the jewelry for the people that were running Vegas in the '70s, and then I did the jewelry in the movie Casino. I had a part in the movie. It called for a jewelry store owner that supposedly was broken into. That was fun.
How many stores are you at now?
Seven stores in Vegas.
Is there one that’s your favorite?
My favorite is the one that I'm in, the one in the industrial area. We have a huge manufacturing facility. No matter what it is, we can do it.
Forty-seven years of experience.
Do you have a lot of out-of-town customers that fly in just to see you?
Definitely. Sometimes even just to the store and then fly right back. Don't even stay in Vegas. We give them the same warranty on everything. We give them a diamond training program, full value for what they paid for and we don't make them spend a certain amount if they want to upgrade. Whatever their budget is we help them to upgrade. I have some customers that I did their engagement ring in 1973, I did their kids and their grandkids engagement rings. I love doing it. It's amazing.
Tell us from your perspective, how do you get across this passion, excitement, vision you have with your entire team?
Well, my kids went to college in California. After they graduated, they decided to come and work with me. All of them spend time with me in a store learning everything from the beginning to the final product, how to handle customers. So, I have my second generation, walking in my steps and taking over. Slowly, slowly. I'm not planning to retire because I love what I do.
You've worked with so many foundations in the area. Tell us what are some that are top of mind.
We do every charity organization. We've helped schools. We are what we are because the community helped us become what we are. I've been here when Las Vegas’ population was only around 50,000 people. Now we're about 2,500,000. It's a whole different game.
Every customer is a new excitement because they come from all over the world. Throughout the country and overseas. It’s a joy to work with them.
What do you think they talk about?
When you walk in the store, they see all the memorabilia from so many years back. We're concentrating to make sure that the customer gets the best service and the best product for the best money.
Any trends or products that you think people should come check out?
Many special pieces. We have a big book that shows all the specialized items that we made.
When you think through the next five, ten years, where do you see The Jewelers going?
We're pretty much gonna concentrate the same as we did for the last forty-seven years—to make sure that customers get what they want for the best price. We stand behind everything we sell.