Manoli’s Jewelers
In their own words
“I grew up in Greece, where you had to learn a trade to make a living because it was a tough time after the war. We had a neighbor who opened a shop making jewelry. My mother asked him if I could learn how to make jewelry. We were doing everything by hand and didn’t have electricity. We used to work mostly with silver and had to learn how to melt gold with charcoal. Most of us kids were between eleven and seventeen learning the trade—our boss was only twenty-two.”
Jason’s Interview with Manoli
Today, I want to introduce Manoli from Manoli Jewelers. How did you get into the industry?
I'd never had passion for jewelry or anything like that. I grew up in Greece; you had to learn a trade to make a living, because it was a very tough time after the war. We had a neighbor who opened a shop making jewelry. My mother asked him if I could go there and learn how to make jewelry. I wanted to learn jewelry, and that's what I did. At that time, we were doing everything by hand. We didn't even have electricity. I was only eleven. We used to work mostly with silver. We were learning the trade. Our boss was only twenty-two. We had to learn how to melt gold with charcoal.
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2700 South Glenstone Avenue
Springfield, MO 65804
Tuesday - Friday: 10AM - 5:30PM
Saturday: 10AM - 3PM
Sunday - Monday: Closed